martes, noviembre 01, 2005

Triste dia para el mundo del metal

t's sad to say, but Mechanical Poet is no more. After 3 years of rocking we have decided to stop our musical journey because of personal and creative differences. This game is over but the life still goes on. We want to thank all our fans and fellows and wish you good luck! Remember that the end of the road is not the end of the whole story. All music already written for Mechanical Poet albums ''Troglodytes'', ''Urban Hiders'' and ''Michelle'' will surely be released in future by another band. Watch out for the news on MechanicalPoet.Net, SonnyGrimm.Com and Epidemia.Ru to read more about future life of Poets.
Always Yours, M.P.
Thanks and see you soon!

BUAAAAAAA pa un grupo original y bueno que hay y van y se separan cuando estaban a punto de sacar el 2º disco.

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A las 9:55 p. m. , Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés ha dicho...

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